Note: Page numbers with the suffix n indicate a footnote and those in bold indicate figures or tables.
Ador, Gustave,
agency, and contingency,
aid workers, , 160, ,
aluminum sector, ,
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), , 60
anarchy, , 343n
antitrust laws and cartels, , ,
Appia, Louis, 267
Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), , 66
Asia-Pacific Partnership, 296
Asian Development Bank,
Australia, firearms laws, ,
Bank for International Settlements (BIS), 82
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), 97
Bretton Woods, , 346
Brexit, 26
BRICS (Brazil/Russia/India/China/South Africa)
and climate change governance, 117
governance representation demands,
informal clubs,
rising power, 19
bureaucracy, 12, ,
Bush, George H.W., 293
Bush, George W.,
Canada, trade agreements, , 145
capitalism, 20
definition, 83
informal hierarchy, 13
and market stability, 88
postwar, ,
US anti-trust laws and cartels, , ,
Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces,
central banks
domestic economic requirements, 98
financial crisis cooperation, 97
and the gold standard, ,
government support, 103
interwar era,
pre-war era, 79
private financial diplomacy, 81
regulatory and independent role, 104
carbon market, 115
China–US climate change commitment,
emissions, 113
and global trade regime, 137
health and humanitarian aid, 256
regional trade agreements,
clean energy governance
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), , 298
consolidation, 291
definitions, 290
early interest,
market mechanisms, 14,
and markets, 298
non-state and sub-state actors,
North–South inequities,
transnational initiatives, , 295,
climate change, affects those least responsible, 110
climate change governance
carbon markets, , 115, ,
China–US commitment,
drivers for change, 109
evaluation, 125
and experts, 118
Global Environment Facility, , 293
global rationalization, 109,
Green Climate Fund,
market mode of governance, 116
market-based mechanisms, 122
networked governance, , 121
new governance shortcomings,
Paris Agreement compared with Kyoto Protocol, see also Kyoto Protocol (1997); Paris Agreement (2016)
Climate Investment Facility (CIF), 295,
Climate Technology Centre and Network, 298
Common but differentiated responsibility (CBDR),
communications technology
early costliness and unreliability,
health implications, 250
and the internet, , 197
and new forms of governance,
conflict management
Afghanistan experience, 226
An Agenda for Peace (1992), 223
and climate change, 110
and development actors,
diversity of initiatives, 277,
governance origins,
IO concern,
mandate complexity, 222
military deployment, 216,
non-international armed conflicts,
peace building, 223
rights protection, , 224,
UN crisis missions,
Congo, UN peace operation (ONUC), 223
contingency, and agency,
development aid challenges, 174
governance limitations,
origins, , 255
pluralization of actors, 350
state centrality, 244
Trump response, 360
WHO role,
cultural capital, 156, ,
fixed exchange rates,
gold standard, ,
customary law, 272
Davison, Henry P., 269
De Beers, 84,
fragile state governance,
growing trend,
transgovernmental networks,
democratization, 102,
demographic change, health implications,
developing countries
clean energy governance, 301
commodity agreements,
and GATT, , 140
network and market power,
and supply chains, 144
diamond cartel, 84,
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), 253
Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria,
HIV/AIDS, , , 254
International Sanitary Convention (1892),
malaria and tuberculosis, , 254
Doha Round, 20, ,
domestic politics, , , , 349
donors, 161,
Dufour, Guillaume-Henri, 267
Duterte, Rodrigo, 318
economic power, 252
effective governance
changes, 215
complex governance mode, , 68
core functions,
and ethics,
health governance,
humanitarian governance critique,
and legitimacy,
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 195
electrical equipment sector, 84
electricity, E-7 (Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership), 295
common interests, 161
control of capital, 156,
exclusive clubs,
humanitarian governance, ,
opinion surveys, ,
Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP),
common but differentiated responsibility (CBDR),
liberal environmentalism, 122
ozone regime, 120
ethics, and effective governance,
European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), , 92
European Community/Union (EC/EU)
arms control measures, 64
banal authority,
Brexit, 318
competition policy, 93
democratic deficit, 316
humanitarian aid, 161
Yugoslavia conflict and human rights,
evaluation, climate change governance, 125
experimentalist governance, 124
field theory,
financial crises,
foreign ministries (FMs)
diminished role, ,
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), , 325
formal intergovernmental organizations (FIGOs)
declining role, 183,
as diplomatic hubs, , 189
economies of scale, 190
IIGO interactions, 199
technical and political information, 35, 184 see also informal intergovernmental organizations (IIGOs); international organizations (IOs)
fragile state governance
Afghanistan, 226
governance, ,
hierarchical/network hybrid governance, 222,
IO jurisdiction,
issue-specific professional networks, , , , 222,
mandate complexity, 222
networked decentralization,
new actors and governance tools,
non-state actors,
rights protection, , 224
shadow of hierarchy, 219
France, public trust in the EU, 323
Friends of the Earth, 121
Galapagos Islands,
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)
Article XXIV and Enabling Clause,
and developing countries, , 140
hierarchical governance,
legitimacy concerns, 313
Gavi (Global Alliance on Vaccines), , , 242
global economic governance
complex governance, 345
cross-border flow complexity,
democratization, 102
and international markets,
interwar years, 33, ,
normative challenges,
shadow of hierarchy, 103
Global Financing Facility for Women and Children’s Health, 253
Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, , 247
global governance
absence of governance,
agency and contingency,
contemporary weaknesses, 4,
core functions,
definition, , 10
future prospects, 361
norms of governance, , 329
“open system,” 215,
postwar ambition and vision, ,
postwar modernism, 1
global health,
global health governance (GHG)
actor multiplicity, , 350
centralization, 236
complex adaptive system, ,
cross-border externalities, 255
definition, 235
evolution, 36
and globalization, 248
goal-setting and monitoring, 257
hierarchy elements, 245
market elements,
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),
network elements, , 246
North–South conflicts,
post-1992 expansion,
power, , 252
power disparities, 245
and the private sector, 249
public goods provision, 256
stakeholder legitimacy,
state role, , 244
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), , 247,
UN role, 247
universal health coverage (UHC), 245,
global supply chain trade,
global value chains,
and domestic discontent,
driver of governance change, , 104,
and ICA (international commercial arbitration),
public opposition, 136,
gold standard, ,
Gove, Michael, 318
governance theory, changing ideologies, 6
Greece, financial adjustment program,
Green Climate Fund,
Rio Conventions Joint Liaison Group,
Greenhouse Gas Protocol (2010), 125
Greenpeace, 121
Guterres, Antonio, , 361
Hague Law,
Havana Charter, 140
heads of government (HOGs)
definition, 185n
face-to-face diplomacy, 184
information needs, 184
Proliferation Security Initiative,
transport and communications improvements,
effect of demographic change,
mortality improvements, 240
non-communicable diseases (NCDs), , 258
hierarchical mode of governance
Bretton Woods institutions,
characteristics, ,
compared with markets and networks,
dis/advantages, , 67
fragile states,
global health governance, 245
humanitarian governance, 155
informal arrangements, 13
IOs, 13,
military forces, 12
trade governance,
trade governance under threat, 134, see also hybrid mode of governance; market mode of governance; network mode of governance
human rights
in conflict management, , 224, , ,
incremental adaptation, 346
networks of governance, 15
in trade negotiations,
Yugoslavia conflict,
humanitarian assistance, 161,
humanitarian governance
accountability, 170
criticisms and challenges, 157, ,
donors, 161
elite actors, 156,
field theory,
hierarchy characteristics, 155
historical origins,
Humanitarian Club exclusivity, , ,
Humanitarian Club network/hierarchy characteristics,
market mechanisms, 155
military aid, 161
network characteristics, 155
post-Cold War development,
principles, 159,
reporting and monitoring,
role differentiation,
rules for legitimate action, 160
and social capital, , 172
and symbolic capital,
humanitarian imperative, 159
hybrid mode of governance
climate change governance shortcomings,
diversity and path dependence,
effective governance, , 68
effectiveness of lower bureaucratic levels,
four modes, , 355
fragile states, 222,
global economy, 345
global governance, , 15,
pathways to integration,
pragmatic conception, , , 68
private military and security companies (PMSCs), , , , 72
ideologies of governance, 23, ,
implementation of rules, core governance function,
inclusivity, and legitimacy,
informal intergovernmental organizations (IIGOs)
advantages over FIGOs, , 210
effect on small states, 210
enabled by transport and communications improvements,
flexibility and speed of action,
growing demand,
proliferation, 182, 197 see also formal intergovernmental organizations (FIGOs); international organizations (IOs)
Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries, 94
International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), , 62
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Arbitration Court, 87
International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA), , , , 283
International Coffee Agreement, 99
International Coffee Organization (ICO), 94
international commercial arbitration (ICA)
demand from international business,
domestic arbitration courts,
early history,
enforcement challenges,
growth under globalization,
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Arbitration Court, 87
networked governance, 101
New York Convention (1958), , 100
postwar, ,
shadow of hierarchy, , 103
transnational identity, 103
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
armed conflict initiatives,
and expert communities,
interwar expansion,
private military and security companies initiative, , ,
rival American Federation proposal, 269
UN Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC),
International Conference on Firearms Legislation (ICFL),
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY),
International Energy Agency (IEA), 292, 299
Renewable Energy Unit, 295
Working Party on Renewable Energy Technologies, 292
international humanitarian law (IHL)
customary law, 272
definition, 265
diversity of initiatives, 277,
and expert communities,
Hague Law (military necessity),
humanitarian diplomacy, 279
humanization trends,
ICRC development process,
implementation, 283
International Conferences,
international criminal justice, , 283
legitimacy, 282
military training and awareness, 277
national committees, 278
origins, , 280
shadow of hierarchy,
and the UN,
international markets,
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Bretton Woods agreements,
elite opinion, , 325
financial crisis management,
legitimacy concerns,
postwar ambition,
voting reform, 328
International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), 22
International Organization for Standardization (ISO),
international organizations (IOs)
clean energy initiatives, 296
creation, 1
decentralized governance,
early communications,
expansion of mandates, 288
funding reductions, 215
geopolitical shifts,
governance norms,
governance theories,
hierarchical mode, 13,
legitimacy concerns,
and new actors, 21
as open systems,
surveys of elite opinion, 321, ,
transitory monopoly, 77
Western bias, 313
withdrawal threats, 319 see also formal intergovernmental organizations (FIGOs); informal intergovernmental organizations (IIGOs)
International Peace (stability) Operations Association, 59
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
International Conferences,
International Save the Children Union, 269
International Tin Council (ITC),
internet, , 197
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), , 325
Iraq war, private military and security companies,
KPMG, 221
labor rights,
Le Pen, Marine, 318
centrality to global governance,
definition, ,
democratic standards,
and effective governance,
elite opinion surveys, ,
ethics of government,
of global governance,
global health governance (GHG),
globalization discontent,
heuristic dynamics,
humanitarian governance, 160
hybrid governance mode,
international humanitarian law (IHL), 282
IOs versus new forms of governance, , 326
limitations of new governance modes,
network modes of governance, 31
norms of governance, , 329
output legitimacy, , 315
private military and security companies (PMSCS),
process legitimacy,
resilience of traditional governance modes, 37,
stakeholder inclusion, , , , 317
UN public trust, , 321 see also hierarchical mode of governance; market mode of governance; modes of governance; network mode of governance
Lieber, Francis, 267
Local Government for Sustainability (ICLEI), 295
London Court of Arbitration,
malaria, , 254
Mali, 219
market mode of governance
characteristics, ,
clean energy, 14,
climate change governance, 116
dis/advantages, 31,
examples, 14
global health, , 249
humanitarian governance, 155
Paris Agreement activity,
private security providers, 52
shadow of hierarchy,
trade regime, see also carbon markets; hierarchical mode of governance; hybrid mode of governance; network mode of governance
Maunoir, Théodore, 267
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), 279
medicines, intellectual property (IP) rules, 241
migration, and climate change, 110
military aid, 161
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),
modes of governance
historical changes,
ideal-typical analysis,
identification of voids,
limitations of new modes,
resilience of traditional modes, 37,
response to events, 229
three types, , 15,
Montreux Document, 58
moral power, 252
National Rifle Association (NRA), , 62,
nationalism, 26
negotiation forum, core governance function,
network mode of governance
characteristics, ,
climate change,
definition, 14
developing states,
global health, , 246
humanitarian governance, 155
international commercial arbitration (ICA), 101
interwar era, 33, ,
power, 252
private security firms, 61
and rationalization, 352
regional trade possibilities, 149
shadow of hierarchy,
small arms, , 64
trade governance, 34, 145, 149 see also hierarchical mode of governance; hybrid mode of governance; market mode of governance
International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), , 62
New York Convention (1958), , 100
new-new trade theory, 144
Nightingale, Florence, 267
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
changing technologies,
climate change, 121
conflict prevention and management, 217
humanitarian agencies,
and international humanitarian law (IHL), 279
localization efforts, 168
trade regime,
weapons regulation, 278 see also international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs); Southern actors
non-state actors
clean energy,
in fragile states,
PSI participation, 207
TGN participation,
trade governance, 130, ,
weapons regulation, 278
norms of governance, , 329
Nuclear Security Summits,
Obama, Barack,
oil crisis (1970s), 292
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 93
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC),
ozone regime, 120
Paris Agreement (2016)
2 degree goal, 123,
carbon markets,
challenges and uncertainty, , , 303
cities initiatives, 114
compared with Kyoto Protocol,
experimentalist governance, 124
flexibility, 34
market activity,
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), , 119
network approach, 114
new governance shortcomings,
optimism over intergovernmental process,
path dependence,
Philippines, opinion surveys, , 326
accountability and fairness, 30,
corporate power and self-governance,
developing country networks,
effects of informal international governance,
and global governance changes,
global governance complexity, 252,
hybrid governance mode,
Northern dominance, 244
private actors, 22
private military and security companies (PMSCs),
conflict management, 216
corporate agency, 56
historical changes, 50
International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA), , , , 283
International Code of Conduct (ICoC), , 58,
international standards, 60
Iraq war concerns,
legitimacy of governance process,
long-term prospects, 70
Montreux Document, , , 68
multi-stakeholder agreements,
power brokers,
pragmatic governance solution,
regulation, 33
Swiss government role, , , 68,
US government bureaucracy, 69
US support for ICoC,
private sector, 249
problem identification, core governance function,
regional trade agreements
as alternative bargaining forums,
China’s strategy,
considered after failure of Doha, 20
dis/advantages, 30,
GATT’s permissive rules,
mega-regional agreements, 149
network possibilities, 149
stumbling block to multilateralism, 130,
Rio Conventions, Joint Liaison Group,
Roosevelt, Theodore, 195
shadow of hierarchy
fragile state governance, 219,
global economic governance, 103
health sector, 245
humanitarian governance,
international commercial arbitration (ICA), , 103
international humanitarian law (IHL),
peacekeeping operations, 219
small arms governance, ,
anti-control coalitions, , ,
Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), , 66
competing networks,
continuing problems,
Control Arms campaign,
corporate agency, 56
industry representatives excluded, 69
International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), , 62
International Conference on Firearms Legislation (ICFL),
network efforts, , 64
regulation, 33
Swiss Initiative, ,
UN interest, 62
US gun groups, , ,
US support for controls, 64
Wassenaar arrangement, 64
World Forum on the Future of Sport Shooting Activities (WFSA), ,
Southern actors
capacity building needs, 170
and Covid-19, 174
exclusion from governance, 29
exclusion from Humanitarian Club, 157, ,
financial inequalities, 162,
Muslim identity, 169
stakeholders, , , , 317
domestic politics, , , , 349
hierarchical organization, 12
ideal types,
increasing numbers, 21
small states, 210
supply chain trade,
symbolic capital, 156, ,
Syria, chemical weapons, 257
Tadić (ICTY),
technological change
and health, 240,
telephones, 188
trade agreements
free trade agreements (FTAs), 142
Preferential Trading Arrangements (PTAs),
public opposition,
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP),
trade governance
complex governance, 34
global value chains,
hierarchical nature,
hierarchical nature under threat, 134,
interwar era,
market/non-market interwar policies,
non-state actors, 130, ,
non-trade issues, 34, ,
regionalism and institutional design,
and supply chain trade,
trade negotiations
and developing countries, ,
Doha Round, 20, ,
intellectual property (IP) rules, 241
transgovernmental initiatives (TGIs), 8
transgovernmental networks (TGNs)
central banks, 81
clean energy, 295, ,
decentralized technical collaboration, 183n
effect on small states, 210
growing demand,
new communication technologies,
PSI’s Operational Experts Group (OEG),
transport technologies,
tuberculosis, , 254
2 degree target, , 123,
humanitarian governance, , , 158
“In Larger Freedom” (2005), 339
and international humanitarian law (IHL), , 279
postwar ambition,
rights protection, , 224, ,
small arms concerns, 62
UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), , 66
UN Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons (2001), 54
UN Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy, 292
UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 93
UN Emergency Force (UNEF),
UN Environment Programme (UNEP), 123,
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 111, 295
governance, 329
sustainable energy omitted, 293
UN Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP), 297
UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,
UN Health High-Level Meetings, 247
UN High Commissioner for Refugees,
UN Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC),
UN International Convention Against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries,
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), ,
UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights,
UN peace operations
crisis missions, , , 270
military deployment,
peacebuilding, 221
stabilization, 216,
UN departments, 219
UN Emergency Force (UNEF),
UN Security Council (UNSC)
crisis missions,
elite opinion, , 325
permanent seats, 322
rising powers, 329
voting rights, 314
UN Working Group on mercenaries, 60
United States
antitrust laws and cartels, , ,
China–US climate change commitment,
Clean Power Plan,
global power, 19
gun groups, , ,
humanitarian aid, 161
Iraq war private security concerns,
Mexican tuna ban, 147
military and security governance, 51
New York Court of Arbitration,
oil sector, 85
presidential transport, 195
private financial diplomacy, 81
private security firms, , 61
small arms controls, , 69
Varoufakis, Yanis, 318
warfare see conflict management; international humanitarian law (IHL); private military and security companies (PMSCs)
Washington Consensus, 20
Wassenaar arrangement, 64
wind power,
World Bank
Bretton Woods agreements,
Climate Investment Facility (CIF), 295,
elite opinion, , 325
Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP),
and fragile states,
global health issues, , 245
legitimacy concerns,
postwar ambition,
UN Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC),
World Forum on the Future of Sport Shooting Activities (WFSA), ,
World Health Organization (WHO)
budget, 247
bureaucracy, 247
and Covid-19,
director-general (DG), 243
disease preparedness, 258
elite opinion, , 325
state authority, 247
universal health coverage (UHC), 245,
World Trade Organization (WTO)
and China, 138
and developing countries,
dispute mechanism, 133
Doha Round, 20, ,
elite opinion, , 325
intellectual property (IP) rules, 241
World Wildlife Fund, 121
Xi Jinping,
Yugoslavia conflict, ,