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Cambridge University Press
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October 2019
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The 'Austrian' tradition is well-known for its definitive contributions to economics in the twentieth century. However, Austrian economics also offers an exciting research agenda outside the traditional boundaries of economics, especially in the management disciplines. This Element examines how Austrian ideas play a key role in expanding the understanding of fields like entrepreneurship, strategy, and organization. It focuses especially on the vital role that entrepreneurs play in guiding economic progress by shaping firms and their strategic behavior. In doing so, it explains a wide range of contributions that Austrian economics makes to the understanding of key problems in management, while also highlighting many directions for future work in this inspiring tradition.


‘… [Austrian Perspectives on Entrepreneurship, Strategy, and Organization] is a must-have for management and economics scholars whose research interests include Austrian economics, entrepreneurship, strategy, and organization. Indeed, the authors succeeded in the tour de force of convincingly explaining how Austrian ideas play a crucial role in gaining a better understanding of entrepreneurship, strategy, and organization research and of reviewing the achievements of Austrian economics in management and proposing some potentially fruitful directions for future research in a concise book …’

Ludvig Levasseur Source: The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics


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