Problems related to negative events in childhood and upbringing
Loss of love relationship in childhood
Loss of an emotionally close relationship, such as of a parent, a sibling, a very special friend or a loved pet, by death or permanent departure or rejection.
Removal from home in childhood
Prolonged involuntary stay away from home such as in a foster home, hospital or other institution causing psychosocial distress.
Events resulting in loss of self-esteem in childhood
Events resulting in a negative self-reappraisal by the child such as failure in tasks with high personal investment; disclosure or discovery of a shameful or stigmatizing personal or family event; and other severely humiliating experiences.
Problems related to alleged physical abuse of child
Problems related to incidents in which the child has been injured in the past by any adult in the household to a medically significant extent (e.g., fractures, marked bruising) or that involved excessive forms of violence (e.g., burning or tying up of the child, prolonged starvation, confinement in a small space).
Personal frightening experience in childhood
Experience carrying a threat for the child's future, such as a kidnapping, natural disaster with a threat to life, injury with a threat to self-image or security, or witnessing a severe trauma to a loved one.
Other specified negative life events in childhood
Inadequate parental supervision and control
Lack of parental knowledge of what the child is doing or where the child is; poor control over the child's socially undesirable activities; lack of concern or lack of attempted intervention when the child is in risky or dangerous situations.