So-called alpha-doped UO2 (i.e. UO2 containing short-lived alpha-emitters) can reproduce the activity levels of spent fuel at different ages. Previous experiments showed significant effects of alpha-radiolysis at relatively high alpha-activity levels (e.g., in the range 108 – 1010 Bq/g). This study shows the results of leaching tests done on low alpha-activity material (106 – 107 Bq/g). UO2 containing ∼10 and ∼1 wt. % 233U was leached at room temperature in deionized and carbonated water under deaerated conditions. Higher release in carbonated water was observed. A clear radiolytic enhancement of the concentration of uranium in solution was observed for the material containing 10 wt. % 233U. The dissolved U concentration was very close to the values previously observed for higher activity alpha-doped UO2 and confirmed the finding that under relatively high surface/volume condition the measured amount of U in solution is essentially independent of the alpha-activity level. No significant radiolysis effect was detected for the material doped with 1% 233U compared to undoped UO2 after ∼4 months of leaching. The post- leaching SEM examination revealed no pronounced etching of the surfaces.