We suggest a model explaining nonlinear dependences of critical current Jc in YBCO epitaxial films. Two features of YBCO are taken into account: twin domain structure in orthorhombic phase and the anisotropy of uniaxial strain dependence of Tc. Applied strain changes elementary pinning force of the defects located at low-angle dislocation boundaries between differently oriented twin domains. Account of Tc dependence on strain this leads to approximately parabolic strain behavior of Jc. We have obtained analytical expressions for the “initial strain”, which actually describes a natural misbalance between numbers of grain boundaries separating a and b oriented domains, as well as for “strain sensitivity”, which is determined by Tc dependence on uniaxial a and b strains and by the effective redistribution of vortices. Other experimentally observed effects, such as temperature, magnetic field and two-peak strain dependences of Jc, are shown to be described in the framework of suggested model.