A new compact accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) system has been installed in the Kaminoyama Research Institute at Yamagata University (YU). The AMS system is based on a 0.5MV Pelletron accelerator developed by the National Electrostatics Corporation. An automated acid-alkali-acid (AAA) treatment system and an automated graphitization line were also installed in the same facility for sample preparation. Performance tests of the YU-AMS system were carried out by measuring the C-series standard samples (C1–C8) and HOxII provided by IAEA and NIST, respectively. We evaluated the YU-AMS system by comparing the radiocarbon ages of Japanese tree rings with dendrochronologically determined calendar ages with calibration data. We also carried out some performance tests using a control serum and a 14C-labeled drug (oxaliplatin).