<p style="text-align: left;">The dopamine transporter (DAT) is a functional element of the dopaminergic synapse in the brain. Its primary role is the regulation of dopamine (DA) availability. The DAT gene and especially the DAT 10/10 genotype have been intensively discussed as a candidate for several neuropsychiatric disorders including attention-deficit-hypractivity disorder (ADHD).
<p style="text-align: left;">Our previous research suggests theassociation of genes DRD2, DAT1, DBH and 5-HTT with ADHD
<p style="text-align: left;">(P<0,05) – case control study. DAT1 corelates with ADHD in our family based study (P<0,05).
<p style="text-align: left;">Data from current family-basedstudy denoted that tranmission of polymorphisms in the genes DRD3 (allele 2),5-HTT (VNTR), DBH 444A and DRD4 −512 is exclusively from father to son. In caseof mothers, maternally transmission of ADHD is more or less insignificant.
<p style="text-align: left;">50 ADHD pactients from family based study presented polymorfism 10/10. We present new data of neuro imaging (nucleus cadatus, nucleus lentiformis) and some psychological scales in these goups compare to norm healthy controls of same age.
This research wasfinancially supported by a grant NT14177.