Illustrated Dictionary and Resource Directory of Environmental
& Occupational Health, 2nd Edition. Herman Koren. 2005. CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL. 702 pp. $139.95 hardcover.
According to the Foreword, the 1st Edition contained 7,500 entries,
whereas this 2nd Edition contains 16,000; clearly, a substantial upgrading
has been accomplished in response to a professional need. As the
Introduction eloquently describes the field, “Environmental and
occupational health is not a single topic, but rather a colorful, complex,
and diversified range of interrelated subjects including all the basic
sciences, engineering, computer science, government, disease, injury
identification, prevention, and control.” It goes on to list a
plethora of other subtopics that are covered. Considering the facts
presented thus far, this volume should be an exhaustive compilation of
information critical to the effectiveness of the environmental, health,
and safety professional. The inclusion or exclusion of a particular term
is not an objective of this review; of particular importance are the
readability, accessibility, completeness, and user friendliness, which are
critical factors in creating a usable, reliable reference volume.