In this paper we describe the capabilities for texture measurements of the new neutron time-of-flight diffractometer HIPPO at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. The orientation distribution function (ODF) is extracted from multiple neutron time-of-flight histograms using the full-pattern analysis first described by Rietveld. Both, the well-established description of the ODF using spherical harmonics functions and the WIMV method, more recently introduced for the analysis of time-of-flight data, are available to routinely derive the ODF from HIPPO data. At ambient conditions, total count time of less than one hour is ample to collect sufficient data for texture analysis in most cases. The large sample throughput for texture measurements at ambient conditions possible with HIPPO requires a robust and reliable, semi-automated data analysis. HIPPO’s unique capabilities to measure large quantities of ambient condition samples and to measure texture at temperature and uni-axial stress are described. Examples for all types of texture measurements are given