A World Beyond Politics? A Defense of the Nation-State. By
Pierre Manent. Translated by Marc LePain. Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 2006. $35.00.
Has the world outgrown politics? The conviction that it has, according
to the French political philosopher Pierre Manent, is what animates
sophisticated European thought today. The self-understandings of the
creature, the parent, and, above all, the citizen have increasingly been
displaced by that of the individual. And what an individual is is
determined by the individual, and whatever he or she decides for him- or
herself is dignified and deserves our respect. The idea of dignity is
being liberated from any particular human content, from any particular
conception of human goodness or morality. That means, among other things,
that the idea of human rights has been liberated from any conception of
civic or national obligation. So the idea of compulsory national military
service is an affront to the individual's dignity, and in the name of
human dignity the Europeans increasingly seem even to believe that they
can unilaterally become pro-choice on war.