The European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is drastically declining in
all its distribution area
and listed in the red list of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation
of Nature). A rebuilding plan was adopted at European level in 2007,
Regulation R(CE) 100/2007, to restore eel abundance to the level observed
during the seventies. Its implementation started on the 1st of January
2009. This species is heavily threatened by numerous activities including
fishing, and its management can only be effective through a systemic
approach minimizing the whole range of human-induced impacts on the resource
and its habitat. In the framework of the European interregional programme
INTERREG IIIB-Atlantic Area– the INDICANG project aimed at elaborating
abundance indicators of the European eel in the central part of its
distribution area (http://www.ifremer/fr/indicang/). A
methodological guide was elaborated by this project to define the indicators
needed for this resource assessment. In this framework, Ifremer (Institut
Français pour l'Exploitation de la Mer) and the UPPA University
(Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour) have developed a method to
estimate the daily and seasonal biomass of glass eels with the view to
evaluate the fishery's impact on the estuarine eel recruitment to the Adour
catchment. The estimation method uses observations from nightly scientific
surveys to estimate glass eels' densities in the water column during various
flood tides characterized by different hydrodynamic conditions. Information
on these conditions allows the estimation of the glass eels biomass
migrating during the night. From these estimates and reported catches made
by the fishery during the same night, the exploitation rate applied by the
fishery on the flow of glass eels progressing upstream during night flood
tides is estimated. The relationship between the exploitation rate, fishery
catches and hydrodynamic conditions allowed the estimation of the
exploitation rate and nocturnal biomass fluctuations during the fishing
season, from November 1st to March 31st of the following year.
Finally, from the chronological series of biomass migrating at night, the
total biomass migrating every day and the total recruitment into the
estuary, during the main glass eel migration period, are estimated.
Estimations made between 1998 and 2005 indicate that the overall rate of
exploitation of the marine and continental fisheries, on average, is of
15.7%, ranging between 8 and 25% according to fishing seasons.