To constrain the origin of scaling relations between black hole mass and galaxy properties, i.e., stellar velocity dispersion and bulge luminosity, we investigate the evolution of scaling relations in the past 6 Gyrs. Over the last three years, we have obtained high signal-to-noise ratio Keck spectra of ~ 50 intermediate luminosity broad-line AGNs at z ~ 0.4 and z ~ 0.6, to measure stellar velocity dispersion, and HST (ACS and NICMOS) images of the same objects (~ 40 so far), to measure bulge luminosity from the two-dimensional AGN-galaxy decomposition analysis. In this paper, we will summarize the main results on the MBH–σ and MBH–bulge luminosity relations and their evolution to the present-day universe. The measured scaling relations show that the relations have evolved significantly in the past 6 billion years, and that black hole growth predates the final galaxy assembly.