Event-related potentials (ERPs) provide a noninvasive
method to evaluate neural activation and cognitive processes
in schizophrenia. The pathophysiological significance of
these findings would be greatly enhanced if scalp-recorded
ERP abnormalities could be related to specific neural circuits
and/or regions of the brain. Using quantitative approaches
in which scalp-recorded ERP components are correlated with
underlying neuroanatomy in schizophrenia, we focused on
biophysical and statistical procedures (partial least squares)
to relate the auditory P300 component to anatomic measures
obtained from quantitative magnetic resonance imaging.
These findings are consistent with other evidence that
temporal lobe structures contribute to the generation of
the scalp-recorded P300 component and that P300 amplitude
asymmetry over temporal recording sites on the scalp may
reflect anatomic asymmetries in the volume of the superior
temporal gyrus in schizophrenia.