This study was designed to delineate pathways between systems
profiles of family functioning, children's emotional insecurity in
the interparental relationship, and their psychological adjustment in a
sample of 221 children and their parents. Consistent with family
systems theory, cluster analyses conducted with assessments of marital,
coparental, and parent–child functioning indicated that families
fit into one of four profiles: (a) cohesive families, characterized by
warmth, affection, and flexible well-defined boundaries in family
relationships; (b) disengaged families, reflected in high levels of
adversity and low levels of support across family subsystems; (c)
enmeshed families, evidenced by high levels of discord and weak
maintenance of relationship boundaries in the family unit; and (d)
adequate families, defined by elevated parental psychological control
within a larger family context of low discord and high warmth. In
comparison to children in cohesive families, children in enmeshed and
disengaged families exhibited greater signs of insecurity in the
interparental relationship concurrently and internalizing and
externalizing symptoms both concurrently and 1 year later. Structural
equation models revealed that a latent, multimethod measure of
insecurity in the interparental relationship partially mediated
associations between family enmeshment and disengagement and
children's psychological symptoms 1 year later. Results are
discussed in relation to how they inform and refine a family-wide model
of the emotional security hypothesis.This research was supported by the National Institute of
Mental Health (Project R01 MH57318) awarded to Patrick T. Davies and E.
Mark Cummings. Marcia A. Winter was supported by a predoctoral National
Research Service Award from the National Institute of Mental Health
(F31 MH068058). The authors are grateful to the children, parents,
teachers, and school administrators who participated in this project
and to the staff who assisted on various stages of the project,
including Courtney Forbes, Marcie Goeke–Morey, Amy Keller,
Michelle Sutton, and the graduate and undergraduate students at the
University of Rochester and University of Notre Dame. We also thank
Harry Reis for his valuable statistical advice.