This proved to be a very insightful discussion, thanks to an enthusiastic audience and the team of panelists listed below:
Peter Angelini, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Raymond F. Decker, Wavemat/Paton Tek Inc.
E. Eugene Eves, III, Raytheon
Frank D. Gac, Los Alamos National Laboratory
John F. Gerling, Gerling Laboratories
Magdy F. Iskander, University of Utah
Bernard Krieger, Cober Electronics
Richard Smith, Electric Power Research Institute
William B. Snyder, Microwave Materials Technology, Inc.
Wayne R. Tinga, University of Alberta
Although the panelists represented a mix of individuals from government, academia, and industry, only one aspect of industry was represented, namely microwave system manufacturers. For future panel discussions, it is recommended that the materials manufacturing (i.e., microwave user) sector also be represented.