Studies of Alzheimer's disease patients show
that individuals with larger premorbid brains have a later
onset of disease, or a lessened severity of cognitive impairment,
or both. This may be due to a “functional reserve”
associated with the greater number of neurons and synapses
available in larger brains. We used magnetic resonance
imaging and the MicroCog Assessment of Cognitive Functioning
to examine the association between intracranial volume
(premorbid brain size) and neuropsychological function
in abstinent crack-cocaine and crack-cocaine–alcohol
dependent individuals. There were no significant differences
between the crack-only and the crack–alcohol dependent
participants in neuropsychological performance or in intracranial
volume. The abstinent cocaine-dependent individuals (both
crack-only and crack–alcohol) were significantly
impaired in many neuropsychological domains. Intracranial
volume accounted for a significant proportion of the variance
in neuropsychological performance. This result is consistent
with the finding in the Alzheimer's literature that
larger brains can maintain function to a greater degree,
or for a longer period of time, in the face of cerebral
disease or insult. Functional reserve may be a heretofore
little recognized protective mechanism of the brain that
has consequences for the severity of expression of cerebral
disease or insult throughout life. (JINS, 1998,
4, 559–565.)