The oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition of waters in a small valley at Signy Island, South
Orkney Islands, were monitored over three summers (1999 to 2001). These stable isotopes track water
movement through the catchment, especially seasonal precipitation and snow melt. All samples fall close to
the regional meteoric water line but factors other than air temperature cause year-to-year variability.
Residence times are in the order of days thus the lake water provides an average of precipitation falling only
a few days before, except in the winter when the lakes are effectively closed. Freezing of surface waters
preserves the isotope signature of the underlying waters from the previous summer. In spring, meltwaters
from winter snow are isotopically depleted having δ18O and δD as low as -13‰ and -100‰ (VSMOW). Ice-
cover break-up in late December allows complete water column mixing. By February, the lakes are
relatively enriched isotopically (δ18O -9‰) by summer precipitation. Precipitation isotopic composition at
Halley Station, Brunt Ice Shelf, is similar, illustrating the broad-scale effects of the Weddell Sea cyclonic
atmospheric circulation. These data form a useful reference data-set for the ground-based validation of
atmospheric models and palaeoclimate reconstructions in this isolated sector of the South Atlantic Ocean.