Experiments to study plasma formation and implosion dynamics
of wire array z pinches performed on MAGPIE generator
(1.4 MA, 240 ns) at Imperial College are reviewed. Data from
laser probing and X-ray radiography show that heterogeneous
plasma structure with dense wire cores surrounded by low-density
coronal plasma persists in wire arrays for a significant part
of the implosion. Early implosion of the coronal plasma produces
a precursor plasma column on the array axis, parameters of which
depend on the rate of radiative cooling. The seeding of
perturbations on the dense core of each wire is provided by
nonuniform sweeping of the low-density coronal plasma from the
cores by the global J × B force. The
spatial scale of these perturbations (∼0.5 mm for Al,
∼0.25 mm for W) is determined by the size of the wire
cores (∼0.25 mm for Al, ∼0.1 mm for W). A qualitative
change in implosion dynamics, with transition to 0-D-like
trajectory, was observed in Al arrays when the ratio of
interwire gap to wire core size was decreased to ∼3.
In experiments with nested wire arrays, two different modes
of operation were identified, both giving significant sharpening
of the X-ray pulse (∼10 ns) in comparison with a single
array, despite the small number of wires in the arrays (16 outer,
16 inner) and the long implosion time (260 ns).