Carignan et al. (C06, 2006, ApJ, 641, L109) recently presented an extended HI rotation curve (RC) of M31, using single dish observations from the 100m Effelsberg and Green Bank telescopes. These data were obtained along the semi-major axis of the approaching half of the M31 HI disk and showed a flat RC at large radius, which extends up to ~35 kpc (using D = 780 kpc). The kinematical analysis of M31 is pursued here and new deep 21cm observations obtained at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO) are presented. A tilted-ring model is fitted to a new HI velocity field, allowing the derivation of the position angle P.A. and inclination i as a function of radius. We concentrate on the approaching half of the disk in order to compare our new results with those from C06. It is shown that the disk warping of M31 does not severely contaminate the kinematics of the neutral gas. As a consequence, the RC from C06 is in very good agreement with the new derived RC.