Transient laser-induced anomalous photovoltaic effect hasbeen studied in La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 films grown on theSrTiO3 (001) substrates by laser molecular beam epitaxy. It isdemonstrated that the signal polarity is reversed when the films areirradiated through the substrate rather than at the air/filminterface. The microstructures in these films are clarified in termsof the oriented microdomains with their (101) plane parallel to thesubstrate surface, suggesting off-diagonal Seebeck effect plays animportant role for our observation. From the results, we obtain theanisotropy of the thermoelectric power $\Delta S=S_{ab}-S_{c}=0.3~\mu$ V/K, where S ab and S c are the ab-plane and c-axis Seebeck coefficients.