‘This is a chest radiograph in AP/PA erect/supine view with no/some rotation. It is (is not) adequate.’
• Name and date of birth of patient
• Rotation – symmetrical distances between spinous processes and clavicular heads
• Inspiration – 5–6 anterior ribs cross the mid-clavicular line and diaphragm
• Penetration – vertebral bodies seen behind heart
• Orientation – PA usual, AP if patient is unwell
• Trachea:
• central or deviated
• carina: position and angle (widened by malignant carinal lymphadenopathy)
• endotracheal tube: tip should be 2 cm above carina
• Branches:
• inhaled foreign body: commonly right lower lobe, although may affect any lobe
Breathing (lung fields)
• Mediastinal shift: tension pneumothorax
• Lung parenchyma:
• increased lucency (black): pneumothorax (absent lung markings), bullae, COPD
• increased opacity (white): consolidation, pulmonary oedema, collapse, effusion, haemothorax, empyema
• Lobar involvement: ill-defined edges:
• right middle lobe: poor definition of right heart border
• right lower lobe: poor definition of right hemi-diaphragm
• left upper lobe/lingual lobe: poor definition of left heart border
• left lower lobe: poor definition of left hemi-diaphragm
• Hila: position (usually left higher than right), size, masses
• Fractures: ribs, sternum, clavicles, humerus, scapulae, vertebrae
• Dislocations: humerus, clavicles
Breast (in women)
• Present/absent (only relevant if at least one breast is seen)
• Breast implants
• Mediastinum: pericardial effusion, pneumopericardium, left lower lobe collapse, hiatal hernia
• Heart size > 50% of thoracic diameter on PA radiograph = cardiomegaly
• Aorta: widened (aneurysm, dissection, unfolded)
• Above diaphragm: loss of costophrenic angle (effusion, consolidation, lower lobe collapse)
• Below diaphragm:
• air below diaphragm: hollow viscus perforation, Chilaiditi's sign
• air below the diaphragm is physiological if on the left side and part of gastric bubble (air in fundus of stomach).