PbTe-based thermoelectric (TE) materials exhibit promising thermoelectric properties and have potential applications in waste heat recovery from sources such as truck engines and shipboard engines. TE components designed for these applications will be subject to mechanical/thermal loading and vibration as a result from in-service conditions, including mechanical vibration, mechanical and/or thermal cycling, and thermal shock.
In the current study, we present and discuss the mechanical properties of several PbTe-based compositions with different dopants and processing methods, including n-type and p-type specimens fabricated both by casting and by powder processing. Room temperature hardness and Young's modulus are studied by Vickers indentation and nanoindentation while fracture strength is obtained by biaxial flexure testing. Temperature dependent Young's modulus, shear modulus, and Poisson's ratio are studied via resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS).