If u is a superharmonic function on ℝ2, then
formula here
for all (x, y) ∈ ℝ2. This follows from the fact
that a line segment in ℝ2 is non-thin
at each of its constituent points. (See Doob [1, 1.XI] or
Helms [7, Chapter 10] for
an account of thin sets and the fine topology.) The situation is different in higher
dimensions. For example, if u is the Newtonian potential
on ℝ3 defined by
formula here
formula here
Corollary 2 below will show that, nevertheless, for nearly every vertical line L,
the value of a superharmonic function at any point X of L is
determined by its lower limit along L at X.
Throughout this paper, we let n [ges ] 3. A typical point of
ℝn will be denoted by X or (X′, x),
where X′ ∈ ℝn−1 and
x ∈ ℝ. Given any function
f[ratio ]ℝn → [−∞, +∞]
and any point X, we define the vertical cluster set of f at
X by
formula here
and the fine cluster set of f at X by
formula here