Eucalyptus spp. is the main tree used in cellulose production worldwide, cultivated mostly in extensive monocrop plantations. However, due to concerns on environmental impacts, fear on decrease of food production related to the size of cultivated area, its location near human settlements with few jobs generation, eucalypt cultivation is no longer encouraged in many places. At the same time, large plantations hold the opportunity to integrate eucalypt into agroforestry systems (AFS) in a variety of production systems with many social, economical and environmental advantages. In this study we studied canopy modifications of E. camaldulensis sprouts under different degrees of shade. The plants were located on a gradient of available solar irradiation ranging from 51 to 94%. E. camaldulensis showed canopy plasticity with modified radiation interception patterns under diverse irradiations. Most of these variations were of small amplitude with some important variables remaining almost unchanged (leaf density, canopy percentage, tree, trunk and canopy height) or increasing only slightly (leaf area index and canopy opening). The main changes presented by E. camaldulensis, with a steep increase towards full sun, were: foliage area, canopy surface, canopy volume and area of canopy projection. In order to design appropriate agroforestry systems with young eucalypt growing under the shade of other crops, it is necessary to determine at which point the observed variable changes can support reasonable production.