Patchworking of singular hypersurfaces is used to construct projective hypersurfaces with prescribed singularities. For all $n\,{\geq}\, 2$, an asymptotically proper existence result is deduced for hypersurfaces in $\P^n$ with singularities of corank at most 2 prescribed up to analytical or topological equivalence. In the case of $T$-smooth hypersurfaces with only simple singularities, the result is even asymptotically optimal, that is, the leading coefficient in the sufficient existence condition cannot be improved, which is new even in the case of plane curves. Furthermore, an asymptotically proper existence result is proved for hypersurfaces in $\P^n$ with quasihomogeneous singularities. The estimates substantially improve all known (general) existence results for hypersurfaces with these singularities.