The volume is a selection of the papers presented at the conference. Other presentations were:
Frank Hahn (Economics, Cambridge University): “On Some Common Mistakes in Economic Theorizing.”
Robert W. Clower (Economics, University of South Carolina): “Keynes and the Classicals Revisited.”
Gordon Winston: Comments on the papers by Hahn, Clower, and Folbre and Hartmann.
John Nelson (Political Science, University of Iowa): Comments on the papers by Hahn, Clower, and Folbre and Hartmann.
Zvi Griliches (Economics, Harvard University): Comments on paper by Denton.
Axel Leyonhufvud (Economics, UCLA): Comments on papers by Weintraub and Mirowski.
Donald Lavoie (Economics, George Mason University): Comments on papers by Bicchieri, Coats, and Wolff and Resnick.
“Economic Rhetoric and the General Public”: A panel discussion among David Warsh, Craufurd Goodwin (see their chapters in volume), Joe Kalt (Economics, Harvard University), Karen Arenson (the New York Times), and Robert Samuelson (Newsweek).
“Economic Rhetoric in the Political Arena”: A panel discussion among Galbraith, Keohane (see their papers in this volume), and Jeffrey Sachs (Economics, Harvard University).