The fourth informal meeting of the heads of offices responsible for international legal services of the foreign ministries of the member states of the United Nations (the Legal Advisers) took place at UN headquarters in New York on October 25 and 26, 1993. The meeting, like the previous three, was organized at the invitation of the Legal Advisers of Canada, India, Mexico, Poland and Sweden, and with the assistance of the Legal Counsel of the United Nations, Under-Secretary-General Carl-August Fleischhauer. Forty-eight Legal Advisers and thirteen of their deputies attended, together with nearly fifty other interested participants, including the chairman of the Sixth Committee, María del Lujan Flores, the chairman of the International Law Commission, Julio Barboza, the Secretary-General of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee, Frank X. Njenga, a representative from Switzerland and a representative of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Representatives of all five permanent members of the Security Council were present.