In this paper a unified account of the syntax of
temporal phrases with the locative morpheme
hou 後 followed by a
NPtemp, a measure NP, is presented.
Identical to bare noun phrase temporal adverbials,
hou-phrases predominantly occur
in sentence-initial/topic position and establish the
temporal frame for the situation the predicate
refers to; by default they refer to a point of time.
According to the analysis presented,
hou explicitly serves to relate
one situation to a previous situation in the
narrative; the NPtemp measures the
interval, the period of time, elapsed since the
previous situation took place, and accordingly the
NPtemp is analysed as an appositional
measure phrase. This analysis of the
NPtemp yields an analysis of
hou 後 as an adverbially employed
noun which syntactically retains its nominal
characteristics and thus permits the addition of an
apposition. Additionally, the nominal analysis of
hou is the only one which
accounts for all syntactic variants of the
hou-phrase in Han period