Emergency treatment of pulmonary contaminations by transuranium elements. A new galenic
form of Na3CaDTPA.
The emergency treatment of pulmonary contamination by plutonium and transuranium elements needs
the early use of a chelator, the Na3CaDTPA under monocalcic trisodic form. The local administration of
the active principle is carried out by an appliance, the Spinhaler$^{\circledR}$, which delivers the
active principle under micronised form without any propelled gas. The French Military Health Service is
the manufacturer which produces this treatment and has studied a modification of the galenic form of
Na3CaDTPA to improve the intrapulmonary distribution. This treatment, without any secondary effect, is
proposed even for a presumed pulmonary contamination. Its easy use allows an early administration for a
large number of people supposed to be contaminated. However, it cannot take the place of the other forms
of treatment, especially intraveinous, which needs a medical prescription in case of an established