A workshop dedicated to cancer risks associated withlow-dose internal contamination was organised in March 2011, inParis, in the framework of the DoReMi (Low Dose Research towardsMultidisciplinary Integration) European Network of Excellence. Theaim was to identify the best epidemiological studies that providean opportunity to develop a multidisciplinary approach to improvethe evaluation of the cancer risk associated with internal contamination.This workshop provided an opportunity for in-depth discussions betweenresearchers working in different fields including (but not limitedto) epidemiology, dosimetry, biology and toxicology. Discussionsconfirmed the importance of research on the health effects of internalcontamination. Several existing epidemiological studies providea real possibility to improve the quantification of cancer riskassociated with internal emitters. Areas for future multidisciplinary collaborationswere identified, that should allow feasibility studies to be carriedout in the near future. The goal of this paper is to present anoverview of the presentations and discussions that took place duringthis workshop.