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Invited contributions from the 17th European Fusion Theory Conference

As a follow-up to the 17th edition of the European Fusion Theory Conference, a collection of papers will be published in the Journal of Plasma Physics (JPP). This collection is intended as a Special Issue of a regular journal. Thus, papers are expected to be of high quality and will undergo a standard review. The invited papers in this special collection address the wide range of topics represented in this conference, from basic plasma physics theory to turbulent and neoclassical  transport, fast particles, heating and current drive,  computational modeling. We encourage all invited speakers and poster presenters to the conference to submit contributions.  There will be no publication charge.

Visit the conference homepage for more information

Special Issue Editors:

Daniela Grasso

Daniela Grasso

Christos Tsironis


Nuno Loureiro

Nuno Loureiro

Paolo Ricci

Paolo Ricci

Research Article