[Hippocrates]Regimen in Acute Diseases (Acut., ed. Joly)
Acut. 5 (37.21–38.1 Joly = 2.232 L.): 48 Acut. 5 (42.14–15 Joly = 2.258 L.): 39 Acut. 14 (57.19–23 Joly = 2.332 L.): 42 Acut. 14 (58.24 Joly = 2.336 L.): 42 Acut. 17 (64.12 Joly = 2.360 L.): 42 Affections. (Aff., ed. Potter)
Aff. 6 (14.7–13 Potter = 6.214 L.), 32 Aff. 10 (18.14–20.11 Potter = 6.216–18 L.): 22,
45 Aff. 10 (18.19 Potter = 6.217 L.): 28 Aff. 10 (18.20–21 Potter = 6.216–18 L.): 32 Aff. 10 (20.6–11 Potter = 6.218 L.): 45–46 Aff. 10 (21 Potter = 6.218 L.): 22 Aff. 12 (22.7–20 Potter = 6.220 L.): 48 Aff. 12 (22.11–16 Potter = 6.220 L.): 31 Nutriment (Alim., ed. Heiberg)
Alim. 25 (81.13 Heiberg = 9.106.14 L.): 40 Aphorisms (Aph., ed. Magdelaine)
Aph. 3.30 (408.11–13 Magdelaine = 4.500 L.): 48 Aph. 4.18 (413.3–4 Magdelaine = 4.506 L.): 38 Aph. 4.72 (426.7 Magdelaine = 4.528 L.): 156 Aph. 6.18 (452.1–2 Magdelaine = 4.566–68 L.): 40 Aph. 7.54 (469.10–470.2 Magdelaine = 4.594 L.): 39 Aph. 7.82 (475.11–13 Magdelaine = 4.606 L.): 30 On Joints (Artic., ed. Kühlewein)
Artic. 41 (164.3 Kühlewein = 4.176 L.; 164.14 Kühlewein = 4.178 L.): 38 Breaths (ed. Jouanna)
Breaths 10 (118.8 Jouanna = 6.106 L.): 38 Coan Prenotions (Coac., ed. Potter)
Coac. 31 (112–14 Potter = 5.590 L.): 330–331 Coac. 69 (120.13–14 Potter = 5.598 L.): 24 Coac. 76 (122 Potter = 5.600 L.): 27 Coac. 93 (124. 21–22 Potter = 5.602 L.): 47–48 Coac. 95 (124.25–26 Potter = 5.602–4 L.): 26 Coac. 96 (126 Potter = 5.604 L.): 26 Coac. 107 (128.1–4 Potter = 5.604 L.): 40 Coac. 116 (130.3–4 Potter = 5.608 L.): 35 Coac. 210 (154.5–6 Potter = 5.630 L.): 35 Coac. 223 (158.1–2 Potter = 5.632 L.): 23 Coac. 229 (158.26 Potter = 5.634 L.): 26 Coac. 255 (164 Potter = 5.638 L.): 38 Coac. 405 (204.26–28 Potter = 5.676 L.): 34 Coac. 499 (230.3–15 Potter = 5.698 L.): 40 Coac. 571 (250.6–20 Potter = 5.716 L.): 16 Coac. 571 (250.17–19 Potter = 5.716 L.): 25 Epidemics 1, 3 (ed. Jouanna)
Epid. 1.18 (25.8–10 Jouanna = 2.650 L.): 22 Epid. 3,1, case 3 (67.7–10 Jouanna = 3.42 L.): 330 Epid. 3.1, case 11 (77.6 Jouanna = 3.62 L.): 50 Epid. 3.3 (80.15–16 Jouanna = 3.70 L.): 24–25 Epid. 3.5 (83.7–10 Jouanna = 3.76–80 L.): 25 Epid. 3.11 (88.1–2 Jouanna = 3.90–2 L.): 25 Epid. 3.17, case 4 (98.1–11 Jouanna = 116–18 L.): 35 Epid. 3.17, case 14 (110.1 Jouanna = 3.142 L.): 49 Epid. 3.17, case 15 (110–13 Jouanna = 3.146 L.): 325,
170 Epid. 3.17, case 16 (112.14 Jouanna = 3.148 L.): 49 Epidemics, 2, 6 (ed. Smith)
Epid. 2.4.1 (62.12 Smith = 5.120 L.): 39 Epid. 2.4.1 (64.17–18 Smith = 2.122 L.): 36 Epid. 2.4.1 (64.20–22 Smith = 5.124 L.): 39 Epid. 6.8.10 (175.5–9 Manetti–Roselli = 5.348.1–3 L.): 146 Epidemics, 5, 7 (ed. Jouanna)
Epid. 5.52 (24.6–7 Jouanna = 5.236 L.): 28 Epid. 7.25 (66.22–23 Jouanna = 5.394 L.): 43 Epid. 7.53 (84.21–24 Jouanna = 5.422 L.): 26–27 Epid. 7.71 (92.13–17 Jouanna = 5.432 L.): 32–33 Epid. 7.79, 80 (95–96.10 Jouanna = 5.434–6 L.): 28 Epid. 7.112 (112.3–9 Jouanna = 5.460 L.): 7,
26 Internal Affections (Int., ed. Potter)
Int. 47 (226–31 Potter = 7.281–84 L.): 373 Int. 48 (230.18–236.20 Potter = 7.284–88 L.): 34 Crises (Judic., ed. Preiser)
Judic. 41 (13.11–12 Preiser = 9.290 L.): 47 Places in Man (Loc.Hom., ed. Joly)
Loc.Hom. 3 (42.7–11 Joly = 6.282 L.): 39 Diseases, 1 (ed. Wittern)
Morb. 1.3 (6.18–8.1 Wittern = 6.142–44 L.): 40 Morb. 1.3 (8.3–7 Wittern = 6.144 L.): 40 Morb. 1.3 (10.7–8 Wittern = 6.146 L.): 28 Morb. 1.15 (36.6–7 Wittern = 6.164 L.): 46 Morb. 1.19 (50.16 Wittern = 6.174 L.): 46 Morb. 1.30 (86.19–88.13 Wittern = 6.200 L.): 22 Morb. 1.30 (86.19–20 Wittern = 6.200 L.): 35–36 Morb. 1.30 (88.7–13 Wittern = 6.200 L.): 28 Morb. 1.34 (92.7–18 Wittern = 6.204 L.) : 28 Diseases, 2 (ed. Jouanna)
Morb. 2.65 (204.3–10 Jouanna = 7.100 L.): 77 Morb. 2.72 (211.15 Jouanna = 7.110 L.): 22 Diseases, 3 (ed. Potter)
Morb. 3.5 (12.14–24 Potter = 7.122 L.): 77 Morb. 3.9 (76.20–23 Potter = 7.128 L.): 28 Morb. 3.9 (76.24–27 Potter = 7.128 L.): 32 Morb. 3.9 (76.20–29 Potter = 7.128 L.): 22 Morb. 3.14 (82.7 Potter = 7.134 L.): 41 Morb. 3.15 (82.22–28 Potter = 7.136 L.): 48 Morb. 3.16 (86.22–96.12 Potter = 7.142–56 L.): 41 Sacred Disease (Morb.Sacr., ed. Jouanna)
Morb.Sacr. 3 (11.20–21 Jouanna = 6.366 L.): 39–40 Morb.Sacr. 7 (15.14–23 Jouanna = 6.372.5–6 L.): 46 Morb.Sacr. 7 (16.8 Jouanna = 6.374 L.): 41 Morb.Sacr. 17 (30.3–17 Jouanna = 6.392 L.): 40–41 Diseases of Women (Mul., ed. Littré)
Mul. 2.200 (8.384 L.): 42 Nature of Man (Nat.Hom., ed. Jouanna)
Nat.Hom. 5 (212.1–4 Jouanna = 6.78 L.): 22 Prognostikon (Progn., ed. Jouanna)
Progn. 4 (13.3–5 Jouanna = 2.122 L.): 23 Progn. 4 (13.3–14.2 Jouanna = 2.122 L.): 27 Progn. 5 (14.4 Jouanna = 2.122 L.): 38 Progn. 7 (17.10–18.3 Jouanna = 2.126 L.): 43 Progn. 12 (35.2–5 Jouanna = 2.142 L.): 38 Progn. 19 (54.6–55.1 Jouanna = 2.164 L): 39 Progn. 23 (76.3–7 Jouanna = 2.186–88 L.): 26 Prorrhetikon I (Prorrh. I, ed. Polack)
Prorrh. I, 1 (75.2–4 Polack = 5.510 L.): 29 Prorrh. I, 3 (75.7–8 Polack = 5.510 L.): 26 Prorrh. I, 4 (75.8–10 Polack = 5.510–12 L.): 26 Prorrh. I, 5 (75.10–11 Polack= 5.512 L.): 28–29 Prorrh. I, 6 (75.11–12 Polack = 5.512 L.): 33–34 Prorrh. I, 9 (76.2 Polack = 5.512 L.): 30 Prorrh. I, 11 (76.4–6 Polack = 5.512–14 L.): 29 Prorrh. I, 12–13 (76.7–10 Polack = 5.514 L.): 24 Prorrh. I, 16 (76.14–77.1 Polack = 5.514 L.): 26 Prorrh. I, 17 (77.1–3 Polack = 5.514 L.): 160 Prorrh. I, 27 (78.2–3 Polack = 5.516 L.): 24 Prorrh. I, 28 (78.4 Polack = 5.516 L.): 26 Prorrh. I, 31 (78.7–8 Polack = 5.518 L.): 31 Prorrh. I, 34 (78.15–79.1 Polack = 5.518 L.): 27 Prorrh. I, 36 (79.5–6 Polack = 5.519 L.): 27 Prorrhetikon II (Prorrh. II, ed. Potter)
Prorrh. II, 9 (244.11–27 Potter = 9.28 L.): 31 Regimen in Acute Diseases (sp.) 1 (68.11–12 Joly = 2.396 L.): 41 Seven 79 (3.5–6 Roscher = 8.672.24 L.): 41 Ancient Medicine (Vet.Med., ed. Jouanna)
Vet.Med. 24 (152.13–15 Jouanna = 1.634 L.): 38 Girls (Virg., ed. Lami)
Virg. 2.8 (22.23–24 Lami = 8.468 L.): 42