Compiled and edited by Michelle Lesh, in cooperation with General Editor Timothy L.H. McCormack and Managing Editor Jann Kleffner.
The section Correspondents' Reports is a digest of state practice in the field of international humanitarian law and related fields. It features succient, highly readable reports compiled and reported by the yearbook's roster of expert rapporteurs which provide a global review of IHL covering the reporting period. Areas covered by the national reports include legislative and judicial developments at the national level.
The section does not purport to be a fully inclusive compilation of all international humanitarian law-related developments in every state, reporting in this volume mainly developments since the beginning of 2007 until the end of 2007 that have come to the Yearbook's attention.
Further, some 2007 humanitarian law-related developments came to our attention after volume 9 went to press and could not be noted there. For the sake of completeness, we have included them here. Reference is also included to a number of legal developments which are not strictly-speaking related to IHL but which are nonetheless interesting and relevant for our readers, in particular relating to justice issues, jurisdictional questions, jus ad bellum, state security, human rights, refugees and internally displaced persons, and terrorism.