Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 February 2017
1 Pictet, Jean, Humanitarian Law and Protection of War Victims 15 (1975)Google Scholar.
2 Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Advisory Opinion, (Int’l Ct. Justice July 9, 2004) 43 ILM 1009 (2004) [hereinafter Wall Opinion or Wall case].
3 CHR Res. 2003/84 (Apr. 25) (emphasis added).
4 SC Res. 1511 (Oct. 16, 2003); SC Res. 1546 (June 8, 2004).
5 The decision is available at <>.
6 2001 - XII Eur. Ct. H.R. 333 (Grand Chamber), 123 ILR 94 (emphasis added).
7 Id. para. 37.
8 ld. para. 54.
9 ld. para. 38.
10 [2005] EWCA 1609, paras. 108, 124.
11 Id., paras. 286-87.
12 UN Doc. CCPR/C/SR. 1405 para. 20 (1995).
13 UN Doc. CCPR/CO/72/NET/Add. l, para. 19 (2003).
14 Wall Opinion, supra note 2, para. 109.
15 UN Doc. CCPR/C/21/Rev.l/Add.l3 para. 10 (2004) (emphasis added).
16 Manfred Nowak, U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, CCPR Commentary 43 (2d rev. ed. 2005); Christian Tomuschat, Human Rights: Between Idealism and Realism 109-11 (2003).
17 Wall Opinion, supra note 2, para. 110 (emphasis added) (quoting UN Docs. CCPR/C/79/Add. 93, para. 10 (1998) and CCPR/CO/78/ISR, para. 11 (2003).
18 Wall Opinion, supra note 2, para. 134.
19 UN Doc. E/CN.4/SR.193 at 13, 18 (1950); UN Doc. E/CN.4/SR.194, at 5, 9 (1950).
20 UN Doc. E/CN.4/SR.138, at 10 (1950).
21 See UN Doc. E/CN.4/SR.193 at 21 (1950) (proposal by Cassin; UN Doc. E/CN.4/SR.194 at 7 (1950) (comment by Malik and response by Mrs. Roosevelt).
22 UN Doc. E/CN.4/SR.194, at 11 (1950).
23 UN Doc. E/CN.4/SR.329, at 14 (1952) (rejection of French amendment to delete “within its territory”).
24 UN Doc. A/C.3/SR.1259, para. 30 (1963) (rejection of French and Chinese proposal to delete “within its territory”).