The issue addressed here is that of understanding and giving meaning to mens rea concepts in the criminal law; I look in particular at intention and recklessness. The point made is that the controversy surrounding the proper meaning and understanding of these two concepts - a dispute about their appropriate contours - cannot be solved in the manner so far assumed. It follows that it is a vain hope to expect clear, unambiguous and non-controversial formulations of these concepts.
The argument has a three-fold structure. First, it is suggested that we are locked into this controversy whether (i) we insist that our mem rea concepts do, and should, bear the same meaning they have in ordinary non-legal discourse; or (ii) we insist that such concepts do, and should, bear a technical meaning, distinct from whatever ordinary meaning they may have, which is better suited to the requirements of the criminal law. These are the two traditional strategies used in attempting to solve any controversy about the contours of mens rea concepts and I will show how they are potentially controversial.