A work has recently come to light in a store-room of the Faculté des Sciences at Grenoble entitled Observations sur les variations des glaciers el l’enneigement dans les Alpes Dauphinoises organisées par la Société des Touristes du Dauphiné compiled by W. Killian and G. Flusin and the guides of the Society from 1890 to 1899. This has been placed at our disposal by Professor L. Lliboutry of Grenoble.
It is interesting to note how active glaciological research had already become in those early days, and to see so many well-known names now belonging to glaciological history. For example, on page 221 there is a notice of a meeting of “The International Commission for the Study of Glaciers” in August 1900, during the VIIIth International Geological Congress in Paris. (The previous meeting had taken place in 1897 in St. Petersburg.)
The notice reads as follows:
The Commission subsequently published a number of papers, supported financially by Prince Roland Bonaparte, in the Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Genève. The names of F. A. Forel, C. Rabot, E. Richter, and A. Heim figure prominently in this and subsequent lists of glaciological literature.