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  • ISSN: 0887-5367 (Print), 1527-2001 (Online)
  • Editors: Simona Capisani Durham University, UK, Katharine Jenkins University of Glasgow, UK, Charlotte Knowles University of Groningen, The Netherlands, Aidan McGlynn University of Edinburgh, UK, and Aness Kim Webster Durham University, UK
  • Editorial board
Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy is a forum for cutting-edge work in feminist philosophy. Since its inception in the mid-1980s, Hypatia has been a catalyst for broadening and refining feminist philosophy as well as an invaluable resource for those who teach in this area. Feminist philosophy arises out of diverse traditions and methods within philosophy and is also richly interdisciplinary in orientation.Hypatia’s commitment to the development of feminist philosophy entails that, in all its policies and practices, Hypatia actively reflects and engages the diversity within feminism itself, the diverse experiences and situations of women, and the diverse forms that gender takes across the globe. Promoting diversity within feminist philosophy and within philosophy in general is thus one of Hypatia’s core objectives.We are committed to publishing articles that are broadly accessible. Hypatia serves as a resource for the wider women's studies community, for philosophers generally, and for all those interested in philosophical issues raised by feminism.
New Editorial Team

Hypatia's Board of Associate Editors is happy to announce the selection of the new editorial team that will be leading the journal for the next five years starting in January 2024. It will be our first editorial team based outside North America. The editorial office will be at the University of Glasgow, where Katharine Jenkins works. Aidan McGlynn is at the University of Edinburgh, Simona Capisani and Aness Kim Webster are both at Durham University, all in the UK, and Charlotte Knowles is at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. After a long process of selection and conversations with the different governing and editorial bodies of the journal, the new team is ready and willing to take on this challenging task. We welcome them. 

Please see full announcement here.

Gathering Feminist Voices in the Time of Covid 19

At a time when gathering together is not possible, especially across geographic distance, Hypatia created a gathering of feminist voices in the time of Covid-19 in June 2020. 

Find out more and watch the video

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