Louis XV and the parlement of Paris, 1737–1755. By J.
Rogister. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1995. Pp. xxv+288. ISBN 0-521-40395-2. £37.50,
Politics and the parlement of Paris under Louis XV, 1754–1774.
By Julian Swann. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1995. Pp. x+390. ISBN 0-521-48362-X. £45,
£19.95, pbk.
Revolt in prerevolutionary France. The Prince de Conti's
conspiracy against Louis XV, 1755–1757.
By John D. Woodbridge. Baltimore and London: the John's Hopkins
University Press,
1995. Pp. xvii+242. ISBN 0-801-84945-4. £33, hbk.
French politics, 1774–1789. By John Hardman. London and
New York: Longman, 1995.
Pp. x+283. ISBN 0-582-23649-5. £15.99, pbk.
Preserving the monarchy. The comte de Vergennes, 1774–1787.
By M. Price. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1995. Pp. xi+256. ISBN 0-521-46566-4. £35,