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Editorial board

Christoph Schuringa, Northeastern University London, UK

Book Review Editor

Dr Susanne Herrmann-Sinai, University of Oxford, UK

Editorial Assistant

George Webster, Lancaster University, UK

Editorial Committee

Stephen Houlgate, University of Warwick, UK

Luca Illetterati, University of Padua, Italy

James Kreines, Claremont McKenna College, USA

Karen Ng, Vanderbilt University, USA

Sally Sedgwick, Boston University, USA

Robert Stern, University of Sheffield, UK

Alison Stone, Lancaster University, UK

Editorial Board

Frederick Beiser, Syracuse University, USA

Karin de Boer, University of Leuven, Belgium

Thom Brooks, Durham University, UK

Gary Browning, Oxford Brookes University, UK

Andrew Chitty, University of Sussex, UK

Ardis Collins, Loyola University, USA

Alfredo Ferrarin, University of Pisa, Italy

Gordon Finlayson, University of Sussex, UK

Rolf-Peter Horstmann, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

Kimberly Hutchings, Queen Mary University of London, UK

Jean-François Kervégan, Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne, France

Chong-Fuk Lau, The Chinese University in Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Allegra de Laurentiis, State University of New York, Stony Brook, USA

Catherine Malabou, Paris X-Nanterre, France

David Merrill, Sarah Lawrence College, University of Oxford, UK

Frederick Neuhouser, Columbia University, USA

Robert Pippin, University of Chicago, USA

Raymond Plant, King’s College, London, UK

Paul Redding, University of Sydney, Australia

Constantine Sandis, University of Hertfordshire, UK

Ludwig Siep, University of Münster, Germany

Allen Speight , Boston University, USA

Jon Stewart, Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Italo Testa, University of Parma, Italy

Kenneth Westphal, Boğaziçi University, Turkey

Richard Dien Winfield , University of Georgia, USA