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Inaugural Government & Opposition Fellows

Veronica Anghel is a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute and Associate Fellow of the Johns Hopkins University SAIS Europe. Previously, she was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Stanford University’s Europe Center, for which she was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship. She received her PhD summa cum laude in Political Science from the University of Bucharest. Her thesis ‘The Formation of Coalition Governments in Romania: Patterns Behind the Drift’ was awarded the prize for the best dissertation defended at the University of Bucharest in 2018. She was awarded other fellowships for research stays at the Institute for Human Studies in Vienna, the Institute for Central Europe in Vienna and to conduct pre-doctoral research with the University of Bordeaux and the Institute for Government in Vienna. Her research focuses on the challenges to democratic state building and party politics in post-communist settings. She is an analyst for the Economist Intelligence Unit and and previously worked as a foreign affairs adviser for the Romanian Presidency and the Romanian Senate. Veronica Anghel is the Government & Opposition Robert Elgie Editorial Fellow.

You can follow Anghel on Twitter here.

GOV Anghel photo
GOV Favero photo

Adrian Favero is a Research Fellow in the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLSIS) in the University of Birmingham. He is currently working on an ESRC funded project 'The survival of the mass party: Evaluating activism and participation among populist radical right parties (PRRPs) in Europe'. He received his PhD in Politics from the University of Edinburgh where he also worked as a Course Organiser and Teaching Fellow in International Relations. Adrian was also involved in the organisation of workshops on Scotland’s Future Relations with the UK and the EU. Previously, he obtained a BA in Political Science from the University of Zurich and an MA in European Studies from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. His research interests include local politics, European integration, and intra-European migration. He is a recipient of the European Urban Research Association (EURA) Young Scholar Award and a grant from the Fran Trust, Scotland. Adrian Favero is the Government & Opposition Mick Moran Editorial Fellow.

You can follow Favero on Twitter here.

Cambridge University Press Politics