Three elements of the ‘Ediacara fauna’ are described from lower Cambrian strata on the
Digermul Peninsula, Norway. Nimbia occlusa Fedonkin, 1980 and Tirasiana sp. occur approximately
80 m above the base of the Lower Breivik Member, which approximately coincides with the
Neoproterozoic–Cambrian boundary. A specimen of Cyclomedusa sp. has also been found in the
Lower Duolbasgaissa Member about 600 m above the boundary, in rocks of trilobite-bearing age.
These discoveries add to a growing body of evidence that some elements of the dominantly
Neoproterozoic Ediacara fauna continue into the Phanerozoic, thereby diminishing the scope of a
possible late Neoproterozoic mass-extinction event.
The taxa described here, particularly Nimbia and Cyclomedusa, also occur at many other localities
within Neoproterozoic strata and, in common with other elements of the Ediacara fauna, display
remarkable morphological variation. Some of this diversity in form is probably caused by environmental
and preservational factors. The possibility that it may, at least in part, reflect an inability of these
early life forms to replicate faithfully their genes during reproduction should, however, not be overlooked.