Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 July 2017
China's trade with Taiwan has a political motive: winning the hearts and minds of the Taiwanese people. The effectiveness of China's economic statecraft can be examined in the Syuejia (Xuejia) case, where Taiwan put up strong resistance to the generous benefits offered by China. This article investigates the political implications of the Chinese-designed contract farming programme in Syuejia and argues that if economic favours are delivered, and positive impressions also created, political attitudes can be revised. Without these two prerequisites, however, replicating the Syuejia results elsewhere and thus disturbing the cross-Strait status quo will be difficult. When put in a theoretical context, the changes in the political landscape of Syuejia illustrate the interplay of economic interests and political identity.
对于两岸经贸开放问题, 中国大陆显然怀有政治考虑, 意在藉此争取台湾民心。而此类做法能否生效, 最值得观察的莫过于南台湾的小镇学甲: 因为在这里泛绿势力一向最大, 大陆也相应投放了最多资源。有鉴于此, 作者们乃针对学甲养殖渔户与陆方签订的 “契作合同”, 展开了 18 个月的实地调研, 探讨此类经济施惠策略, 能否影响台湾民众的两岸态度与投票行为。研究发现迥异于之前预期, 经济治术确有其显著影响, 但进一步考察发现, 此类影响的前提为 (1) 实惠确实到位、(2) 形成正面观感, 两者缺一不可。也因此, 依照这个前提来看, 大陆目前的经济治术, 其实还不足以撼动两岸现状。本文除了有助前瞻两岸未来, 从理论层面来看, 作者们也提供一个研究案例, 帮助读者一窥经济与政治角力的过程与后果。