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Articles published in BJPsych International provide an overview of current topics in psychiatry, reflecting a diversity of policy and practice from countries around the world, with a focus on complementary digital content, including videos and podcasts.


The mission of BJPsych International is to be a publication platform for authors from low- and middle-income countries.

“With this improved communication comes an awareness of the commonality of many mental health issues and the recognition that there is much to learn from others working in very diverse environments. ...Increasingly we need to have a better understanding of other cultures and the relationship between culture, mental health and psychiatric disorder.”

- Professor Hamid Ghodse, Former Director of the College's Board of International Affairs

Ownership and Management

The journal is owned by the Royal College of Psychiatrists and published four times a year by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the College. The College grants editorial freedom and independence to the Editor-in-Chief of BJPsych International.


All BJPsych International articles are peer-reviewed. We regularly publish collections of papers focusing on a topical theme of clinical importance, as well as series on subjects of international significance. These include mental health policy, optimal delivery of services, and medical training. A regular feature, Global Echoes, comprises a section for medical students, trainees and junior doctors. We do not publish original empirical research, but may occasionally accept audits that have clinical implications of international relevance.

Digital Content

We welcome the submission of supplementary digital content, to enhance the reader experience and help authors disseminate their work to a wider global audience. Digital content may include:


BJPsych International will help psychiatrists and all mental health professionals to learn about and keep abreast of what is happening in different countries around the world. The journal is Open Access and there are no charges for authors. The print version is sent to all members of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, which includes most psychiatrists working in the UK, and around 3,000 non-UK members.

eTOC alerts which give instant access to the latest journal issue information can be found by clicking the bell at the top of the page.

Revenue Sources

Both the Royal College of Psychiatrists and Cambridge University Press are not-for-profit organisations, committed to fulfilling their respective objectives of securing the best outcomes for people with mental illness, learning difficulties and developmental disorders and advancing learning, knowledge and research worldwide.

The owners do not forecast any revenue for BJPsych International.

Advertising information

The journal currently does not accept advertising.

Press and Embargoes

Upon acceptance, BJPsych International articles may be selected for press release by the author's institution, the RCPsych media team (, or Cambridge University Press media team ( The press release will be distributed under strict embargo, usually with advance access to the full article. Those registered to receive our press releases understand that the embargo is a strict one, and that no information about the article can be published or broadcast until the embargo has lifted. Journalists can contact the authors for comment or further details before the embargo date.


BJPsych International was originally published as International Psychiatry from 2003-2014.


BJPsych International is not responsible for statements made by contributors. Unless so stated, material in BJPsych International does not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor-in-Chief or the Royal College of Psychiatrists.