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In order to nominate yourself for commentary invitation, follow the instructions below and submit a Commentary Proposal via the BBS Editorial Manager site:

Information on recently accepted target articles or books which are currently open for Commentary Proposal submission is available at

If you have received the Call for Commentary Proposals, your username and password should have been included inside the email.At the Editorial Manager (EM) site you can register a new user account, update your existing information, or retrieve your username and password.


1. All authors, including any possible co-authors, listed at the top of your submission document.

2. What aspect of the target article or book you anticipate commenting on.

3. The relevant expertise you would bring to bear on the target article or book.+

To suggest others as possible commentators, or to nominate others for BBS Associateship status, please email


1. Log-in as Author

Log-into your BBS Editorial Manager account as an author: If you do not have an account, please visit the site and register.You can also submit a request fora missing username and password information if you have an existing account.

2. Submit New Manuscript

Within your author main menu please select "Submit New Manuscript."

3. Select Article Type

Choose the article type of your manuscript from the pull-down menu.Commentary Proposal article types are temporarily created for each accepted target article or book.Only select the Commentary Proposal article type that you wish to submit a proposal on.For example: "Commentary Proposal (Machery)"

4. Enter Title

Please title your proposal submission by indicating the relevant first author name of the target article or book.For example: "Commentary Proposal on Machery"

5. Co-Authors

Commentary Proposal submissions are limited to a single author.If youare proposing to write a commentary with co-authors, the system will not allow you to enter their information here.Instead, include their names at the top of the Commentary Proposal document you upload.These potential co-authors need not contribute to the Commentary Proposal itself.

6. Attach Files

The only required submission Item is your Commentary Proposal in MSWord or RTF format. In the Description field please add the first author name of the target article or book. For example; "Commentary Proposal on Machery"

7. Approve Your Submission

Editorial Manager will process your Commentary Proposal submission and will create a PDF for your approval.On the Submissions Waiting for Author's Approval page,you can view your PDF, edit, approve, or remove the submission.Once you have Approved the Submission, the PDF will be sent to the editorial office.

8. Editorial Office Decision

At the conclusion of the Commentary Proposal period, the editors will review all the submitted Commentary Proposals. An undetermined umber of Commentary Proposals will be approved and those author names will be added to the final commentary invitation list.At that time you will be notified of the decision.If you are formally invited to submit a commentary,you will be asked to confirm your intention to submit by the commentary deadline.

Note: Before the commentary invitations are sent, the copy-edited and revised target article will be posted for invitees. In the case of Multiple Book Review, invitees will be sent a copy of the book to be commented upon if requested. With Multiple Book Reviews, it is the book, not the Précis article that is the target of commentary.

Please do not write a commentary unless you have received an official invitation! If you have any questions or problems please email

Behavioral and Brain Sciences
  • ISSN: 0140-525X (Print), 1469-1825 (Online)
  • Frequency: 1 volume per year
Behavioral and Brain Sciences ( BBS) is an internationally renowned journal with an innovative format known as Open Peer Commentary. Particularly significant and controversial pieces of work are published from researchers in any area of psychology, neuroscience, behavioral biology or cognitive science, together with 20-40 commentaries on each article from specialists within and across these disciplines, plus the author's response to them. The result is a fascinating and unique forum for the communication, criticism, stimulation, and particularly the unification of research in behavioral and brain sciences from molecular neurobiology to artificial intelligence and the philosophy of the mind.