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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 February 2009
Since the end of World War II historians in Romania have given considerable attention to various aspects of the history of the Habsburg monarchy. Needless to say, their researches have been more limited than those of their Czechoslovak and Hungarian colleagues, since they have been preoccupied especially with the internal history of Old Romania, which has little connection with the history of the monarchy. Nevertheless, in tracing the development of the Principalities of Moldaviaand Walachia and, after 1859, of united Romania, they have touched on a number of problems—commercial, diplomatic, and cultural—common to both countries. Their greatestcontribution to the study of the Habsburg monarchy has beentheir work on the history of Transylvania and, to a lesserextent, the Banat, both of which, except for a brief periodduring the Revolution of 1848–1849, were under Austrian administrationup to 1867 and after the Ausgleich incorporatedinto Hungary.
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