1.2Resilience attributes in the SURE-Farm framework and short explanation of each attribute
1.3Methods employed in the SURE-Farm assessments, number of farming systems (FS) considered and steps of the framework covered
3.1Scenarios of alternative availabilities of farm successors
4.1How CAP instruments affect the resilience capacities of farming systems
4.2The main challenges of the farming systems as identified by respondents
11.1Perceived performance expectations of the main functions and the presence of resilience attributes in future configurations of the FS
13.1Current and future strategies for different FSs in the case study area
15.1Summary of challenges identified with FoPIA, ReSAT, and risk management focus groups, across four sustainability dimensions: environmental (ENVM), economic (ECON), social (SOC), and institutional (INST) at the farming system level
16.1Frequency of adoption of different types of risk management and coping strategies of EE farmers
17.1Overview of the main challenges in the SURE-Farm case studies and their closeness to critical thresholds according to stakeholders’ perception
19.1Topics in the current resilience and resilience in the future assessed by stakeholders in the physical meetings and the digital co-creation platform