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Cambridge University Press
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September 2009
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A decade of climate change negotiations almost ended in failure because of the different policy approaches of the industrialized states. Japan, Germany, and the United States exemplify the deep divisions that exist among states in their approaches to environmental protection. Germany is following what could be called the green social welfare state approach to environmental protection, which is increasingly guided by what is known as the precautionary principle. In contrast, the US is increasingly leaning away from the use of environmental regulations, towards the use of market-based mechanisms to control pollution and cost-benefit analysis to determine when environmental protection should take precedence over economic activities. Internal political divisions mean that Japan sits uneasily between these two approaches. Miranda A. Schreurs uses a variety of case studies to explore why these different policy approaches emerged and what their implications are, examining the differing ideas, actors, and institutions in each state.


‘… a well written book that held my interest while giving adequately backed facts to support arguments and conclusions.’

Source: The IEE Careers Review

'The strength of Environmental Politics in Japan, Germany, and the United States by Miranda Schreurs lies in the fact that it addresses the central concern of how environmental policies are shaped by dominant socio-economic models and how this has resulted in the contemporary deep divisions between countries with regard to issues such as climate change … This book is a wonderfully comprehensive text … In summary, this book is a must for anyone with a keen interest in comparative environmental politics, and particularly for those interested in exploring the interactions between global and national environmental policy systems. It represents an excellent overview of recent changes in environmental governance in the triad and could be used as reference material for undergraduate courses. The author is to be commended for the high quality of the material and the effort that appears to have gone into researching the case studies …'.

Source: Social Science Japan Journal

'Environmental Politics in Japan, Germany and the United States is an excellently researched and clearly written contribution to the study of comparative and international environmental politics. … draws together many existing insights into how environmental policies have changed over time within these three countries. In the process, the book bedunks various popular myths regarding the causes of these changes … The book is base on an extensive knowledge of the existing literature, and impresses with its many original language-sources … Environmental Politics in Japan, Germany and the United States is an excellent contribution to the mainstream academic literature on environmental politics'.

Source: Asian Journal of Political Science

'Schreurs successfully portrays slight yet distinct differences in the environmental polices of the three counties by utilizing a comparative case study methodology and empirical data from in-country research.'

Source: Japanese Journal of Political Science

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