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Cambridge University Press
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December 2009
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This comprehensive 2002 book examines approaches to teaching students who aim to make the leap from 'advanced' or 'superior' proficiency in a foreign language to 'near-native' ability. While there are copious publications on classroom techniques and methods for lower levels of instruction, virtually nothing exists about this transition, which is vital for those who intend to use foreign languages in high-level international arenas. This book, by leading practitioners in this area of foreign language teaching, aims to fill this gap and assist those developing language programmes at the 'advanced to distinguished' level.Divided into three parts which provide information on different aspects of teaching at this level - theory of advanced language teaching - nine sample programs - description of highly advanced learners based on long-term experience and empirical researchPresents programs in seven languages - Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, English, French and GermanContent is both theoretical and pragmatic


‘Betty Lou Leaver and Boris Shekhtman’s recent book Developing Professional-Level Language Proficiency is a significant contribution to the research in foreign language education. The book is a landmark in that it is the first of its kind to address the special problems and concerns relevant to teaching at the advanced, superior and distinguished levels according to the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) Proficiency Scale.’

Benjamin Rifkin

‘… informative and thorough in providing a descriptive overview of successful language programs at the upper levels … the authors almost unanimously attend to the learner, and to the sociolinguistic and sociocultural aspects of language learning and teaching in their practice … I recommend this volume to language instructors, program managers, researchers and advanced learners who seek to learn more about what might be on offer to them.‘

Huamei Han - Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at University of Toronto

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