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> Cognition



Arnold Lewis Glass, Rutgers University, New Jersey
Published 2016


Drawing on a modern neurocognitive framework, this full-color textbook introduces the entire field of cognition through an engaging narrative. Emphasizing the common neural mechanisms that underlie all aspects of perception, learning, and reasoning, the text encourages students to recognize the interconnectivity between cognitive processes. Elements of social psychology and developmental psychology are integrated into the discussion, leading students to understand and appreciate the connection between cognitive processing and social behavior. Numerous learning features provide extensive student support: chapter summaries encourage…

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Key features

  • Emphasizes the common neural mechanisms and brain systems at the foundation of all aspects of cognition, rather than treating each cognitive process as a separate subject
  • Relates cognitive processing to social behavior, clearly demonstrating the relevance of the subject to students' everyday lives
  • Clarifies complex topics and reinforces student understanding through an extensive set of figures, photos, tables, charts, and multiple-choice questions


  • Honourable Mention, 2017 PROSE Award for Textbook/Best in Social Sciences

About the book

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