Discovering Medieval Song
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[Opens in a new window] Latin Poetry and Music in the <I>Conductus</I>
Book contents
- Discovering Medieval Song
- Discovering Medieval Song
- Copyright page
- Dedication
- Contents
- Figures
- Tables
- Music Examples
- Acknowledgements
- Note to the Text
- Introduction: Repositioning the Conductus
- 1 Repertories, Chronology and Style
- 2 Poetic and Lyric Types: Words and Music
- 3 Rhythm and Metre: Editing and Performance
- 4 Cadential Functions: Gesture and Closure
- 5 The Mixed Form: Architecture and Structure
- 6 The Conductus and the Liturgy
- 7 The Conductus and Motet
- 8 The Conductus: Intratexts and Intertexts
- 9 Towards 1300
- Conclusion
- Appendices
- Bibliography
- Index
- References
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 August 2018
Book contents
- Discovering Medieval Song
- Discovering Medieval Song
- Copyright page
- Dedication
- Contents
- Figures
- Tables
- Music Examples
- Acknowledgements
- Note to the Text
- Introduction: Repositioning the Conductus
- 1 Repertories, Chronology and Style
- 2 Poetic and Lyric Types: Words and Music
- 3 Rhythm and Metre: Editing and Performance
- 4 Cadential Functions: Gesture and Closure
- 5 The Mixed Form: Architecture and Structure
- 6 The Conductus and the Liturgy
- 7 The Conductus and Motet
- 8 The Conductus: Intratexts and Intertexts
- 9 Towards 1300
- Conclusion
- Appendices
- Bibliography
- Index
- References
- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Discovering Medieval SongLatin Poetry and Music in the <I>Conductus</I>, pp. 338 - 374Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 2018
Primary Sources
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